Covid-19 Implications

The AHPF has been lobbying on behalf of professional body members and AHPs on a number of issues.

Protecting health care workers

Link to a letter sent to Boris Johnson, Prime Minister: AGP Letter-to-the-Prime-Minister-on-protecting-health-care-workers

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

 Link to a letter sent to Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care: Matt Hancock_PPE for AHP frontline staff

Link to a letter sent to Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care: Matt Hancock Testing and PPE letter

 Visa Extensions

 Link to letters sent by the AHPF to the Home Affairs Committee and Home Secretary: Chair_Home Affairs Committee_Visa extentions for AHPs and Home Secretary_Visa extensions for AHPs

 Inquiries and Evidence

 Link to the AHPF letter with evidence to the Inquiry on Delivering Core NHS and Care Services during the Pandemic and Beyond: Covid-19 Submission to HSC Committee May 2020 Website Design & eCommerce Software Shopping Cart Solutions